Monday, 26 September 2016

Michelle outshines the gossip

Last week, reports mushroomed about Malia Obama smoking weed at Lollapalooza. Malia, the 18-year-old daughter of the President of the United States, has been accepted to Harvard University and will be attending this coming fall. While living in Chicago, Malia enjoyed soccer, dance and drama. For the past eight years, she has been living in a little place called the White House and has only continued to grow and shine.
Lollapaloozian Jerrdin Selwyn caught Malia smoking on video and handed the footage off to Radar Online, which frantically posted it to the internet. In the video, Malia is handed a rolled cigarette, which she takes a couple of puffs off, then passes. The Obama administration has not been derailed by the gaffe, and continued to focus on issues of greater importance.
A video Michelle released last week reassures us that Malia taking a couple hits is not as earth shattering as some would have you think. Get the breakdown and then see the full video here.

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